Object Required

The characteristics that are common to all types of organization are below:- (i)Objective: - Every organization has a purpose or goal which it is attempting to achieve, which bring it into continuation and which provides point for all the activities of its members. (ii) Task or activity: - Every organization carries out a major task of one 'kind or another which relates to and is directed towards the realization of its mission or objectives. (iii) Division of Labor: - each organization uses a system of division of labour whereby each member is allocated a fraction the task of the organization. The resulting field increases individual output and overall organizational efficiency. (iv) Responsibility: - Every organization has a form of structure through which the activities and efforts of its employees are co-ordinate. This system of structural relationships is established to attain co-operation in group activity and to achieve desired goals. (v) Input-Output process: - All organizations acquire resources or inputs from the external environment and turn these into outputs which are sent back to the external environment. The inputs are referred to by economists as the factors of production and they include money, machines and equipment, materials, labour, and information. The outputs are the goods and services which are made available to buyers or members of the organization.


The Principles of effective organizations they are the principles of: 1. Objectives – the objective of an organization should be defined clearly. 2. Specialization – that each job should be linked to one main function. 3. Definition – that the responsibility and authority for every position should be clearly specified. 4. Span of control – that limits should be placed on the number of subordinates for each superior, four to six being the optimum number. 5. Communication – that the number of levels of authority' in the organization hierarchy should be limited to ease the flow of communication. 6. Primary task – that line functions should be distinct from advisory staff functions. 7. Co-ordination – those efforts of employees should be unified. 8. Responsibility – which the superior assumes absolute responsibility for the acts of his subordinates; that authority can be delegated but not responsibility. 9. Simplicity – that the organization should stay simple in order to remain effective.


Businesses of any size can benefit from setting the clear objective. In small business, like proprietor, these objectives are regularly not written down in any way, but the owners will regularly a clear idea of what they are demanding to achieve.

In partnerships, it is essential for partners to agree on the direction their business should take to avoid future disagreements.

Public Limited Company must state the overall objective of the business in their Memorandum and Articles of Associate, but this often lack much strategic detail.

 Steps for Setting Goals and Developing a Plan


1.    The best goals set as a group will create many positive results because people supports they help create. You can expect:

·        Better commitment

·        More motivation among members and officers

·        Better understanding of the goals and rationale for selecting them

·        Improved goals by having more ideas and opinions in the decision process

 2. Determine objectives for each goal and plans of action for each objective. Easy way to develop objectives to state your goal and follow.

3. Calculate the progress on a regular basis. Remember, Change the circumstances, flexible and allow your objectives to change with them.


Once your organization has written its goals and objectives, it is time to take this task one step further by developing a Plan.


·        What is to be done? – Your objective.

·        How will it be accomplished?

·        What are the resources in terms of people, money, and materials?

·        Who is responsible for completing each task?

·        When will it be accomplished?

·        How will you know when it is accomplished? What will you are measuring by?


Importance of Object:


Businesses help us to direct plan, control and review the success of business activity. In addition, future for any aim to be successfully achieved there has to be an appropriate strategic-or in depth plan of action – in place to ensure that resources are correctly directed towards the final goal. Definitely, a change of objective will almost require a change of plan too. The effective business objectives usually meet the following SMART criterion:


·        Specific (simple, sensible, significant).

·        Measurable (meaningful, motivating).

·        Achievable (agreed, attainable).

·        Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).

·        Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).

S- S


SMART is an effective tool that provides the clarity, focus and motivation you need to achieve your goals. It can also advance your ability to reach them by encourage you to define your objectives and set an achievement date. SMART goals are easy to use by anyone and anywhere, without the need for specialist tools or training. Various interpretation of SMART has meant that it can lose its effectiveness or be misunderstood. Some people consider that SMART does not work well for long-term goals because it lacks flexibility, while others suggest that it strength stifle creativity. For more information on the potential weaknesses of SMART, see our article Apply This to Your Life for SMAR Function: Perhaps you have always dreamed of travel around the world, but it is never happen. Maybe you tell yourself it is because you do not have the time or the money, and you think about it next year. Aim setting SMART goals to help make your travel plans specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. You strength find that the real reason you have not traveled is because your plans have been too unclear or impossible. Think about how can adjust your vision and rephrase it as a SMART goal so that you can make your dream come true.

Published Date

20 Sep, 2018


MBA Program